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The pedagogical proposal of Izabela Hendrix is guided by the Brazilian Plan for the Life and Mission of the Church, which orients its schools to an educational work that contributes for the holistic formation of the student, in the physical, emotional, social and cognitive aspects.

In the academic area, our work contemplates pedagogical strategies that are effective in the production of knowledge in a contextualized way: development of contents through researches, analyses, critics, debates and seminaries, field works, integrated activities, projects, culture fairs and others.


To educate and to qualify people, under the light of Christian values, to be critical, creative and responsible citizens and to be capable to act in the transformation of society.


The Izabela Hendrix Methodist Institute, as an Educational Institution of the Methodist church, has as goals:

  • To give education in all degrees, levels and modalities, providing to its pupils intellectual, professional, physical, spiritual, social and civic preparation, under Christian influence;
  • To stimulate the cultural creation and the development of scientific spirit and reflective thought;
  • To provide initial and continued formation, in attendance and by e-learning, of future professionals capable to performance in the work market, with domain of technologies;
  • To foment the constant search of scientific knowledge, by means of research, as a way to contribute with effective action to the increasing of social-economic and cultural levels of the region and the country;
  • To promote the spreading of cultural, scientific and technician knowledge that constitutes patrimony of the humanity and to communicate the knowledge through education;
  • To stimulate knowledge and discussion of today's world problems, in particular, regional and national questions, enabling students to interfere in the society,
  • To develop sciences, literacy, arts, sport and culture, aiming at the preservation and the improvement of the quality of life of local and regional population; and
  • To fortify the Methodist confessional identity in the area of education.


Justice - Solidarity - Citizenship - Confessionality - Vision

To be recognized by the excellence of its educational practice and to be among the best ones in its area of performance.